Jem'Hadar Battle Cruiser
The Jem Hadar Battle Cruiser is the main capital ship of the Dominion war effort. It is an imposing sight for any Federation ship to be forced to stare down, and is built specifically to project power. As such, it has several actions unique to it to reflect this design philosophy.
Captain's Chair:
Threaten: (Priority Action Only) Social / Security - add 1 peril token to a unit at comms range. A bit expensive in terms of both using your officer, and requiring both social and security skill levels, but it is a guaranteed peril without a test.
Call Alert: Adjust alert by 1, or up to 2 if a priority action. A standard on all ships.
Warp: Social / Technical / 1 Energy to engage warp. Standard on all ships. This ship has Warp factor 9 (18")
Impulse: Technical / 1 Energy to engage impulse. If done as a priority action you may remove 1 advantage token from a ship at 2" in the front 180* after moving. The ship's very presence is menacing, and by coming up on an enemy ship can make them forget the advantages they had. At Green Alert * you have 9" of movement and 60* of turning, but the movement rate drops dramatically.
Sensors: 4" in 360*, 4" + Sensor Value in 180* to the front.
Comms: 6" in 360*, 6"+ Sensor Value in 180* to the front.
Sensor Lock: Security / 1 Energy to lock a unit at sensor range
These are all fairly standard values, though the 180* arc of the forward sensors and comms make this ship slightly better at positioning than its Federation counterparts. With the most power devoted to sensors (Green **) you will have 7" to sensors and 9" to comms.
Ready: Gain Energy equal to Energy Value plus the highest Technical here.
Green / Yellow Alert: Transport personnel within Sensors range.
Fairly standard engineering section, with an 8 energy maximum capacity in the reserve. Energy recharge is substantial at Yellow Alert *, with 4 Energy Value (or 3 if you are at Yellow Alert **), up from just 1 in both Green Alerts and 1 Red Alert *. Red Alert ** has a zero Energy Value and the dominion lacks an officer that can really make the engines sing, so be careful.
Fire Weapons:
Phased Polaron Arrays (x3) - 180* to the front (x2), 180* to the back (x1) - 1-4 Weapon Energy, 6" range, 1 blue die per energy spent. Pierce 2
Torpedo Tubes (x1) - Fore - 60* turning, 1 weapon energy.
It should come as no surprise that the ship boasts weapons primarily to the front. At Green Alert (both * and **) it can't divert enough power to fire a fully powered shot (1 weapon energy), but at Yellow (both * and **) it's 3 weapon energy allows for both a fully charged polaron array shot and a torpedo for a 2 energy investment. Red Alert meanwhile allows you to fire twice with Red Alert 2 theoretically allowing you to dump nearly your entire reserve energy into fully powered shots with all 3 arrays. These shots have pierce 2 which allows you to ignore up to 2 shield value if your roll analysis results.
Medical Care: Test (2 difficulty) Science + Biology to heal personnel here once.
Distribute Ketracel White: (Priority Action Only) Social / Technical / 1 Energy to Inspire this unit.
This would be a normal medbay right up until the Ketracel White enters the picture. This medicine allows you to inspire your ship, allowing for formation of teams or just increasing the Command and Operations values of the ship up to 5 each. No test required, just 1 energy if done by a Vorta or Founder.
Ready: 1 Energy to ready an officer here.
Ready or Priority Action: Form a team.
A normal cargo bay.
Alert Level:
Green Alert *: Energy Value: 1, Impulse Value 9", Turning 60*, Weapons Power 1, Sensor Power 2, Shield Value 1/1
Green Alert **: Energy Value 1, Impulse Value 7", Turning 60*, Weapons Power 1, Sensor Power 3, Shield Value 2/1
Yellow Alert *: Energy Value 4, Impulse Value 6", Turning 30*, Weapons Power 3, Sensor Power 2, Shield Value 2/2
Yellow Alert **: Energy Value 3, Impulse Value 5", Turning 30*, Weapons Power 3, Sensor Power 2, Shield Value 3/1, Torpedoes
Red Alert *: Energy Value 2, Impulse Value 4", Turning 60*, Weapons Power 5, Sensor Power 1, Shield Value 4/2, Torpedoes
Red Alert **: Energy Value 0, Impulse Value 4", Turning 30*, Weapons Power 6, Sensor Power 0, Shield Value 6/3, Torpedoes
The Battle Cruiser has a steady progression for Alert Level, with a few key steps up the chart, and some steps that are a bit niche. Green * has an impressive speed and turn rate, though that speed does drop off quickly. Green ** has the best sensor value, and modest shield protection to the front. Yellow * is by far the most interesting stop, reachable by a single priority order and with balanced shield values, and a massive energy recharge rate, for the drawback of poor turning in impulse. Yellow ** allows you to use torpedoes, and focuses your shields to the front. Red * gets you a more nimbly turning ship, with a lower energy recharge, but only 4" of movement. Red ** is energy intensive, but allows for an amazing amount of energy to be diverted just to weapons.
The ship has 8 total hull with damage steps at 5 and 2.
Other damage thresholds of note are a damage card at 6, crew injury at 3, another damage card at 2, and another crew injury at 1.
The ship has a resilience of 3 for preventing additional damage cards.
Damage Cards:
Fore: 3, Fore/Aft: 2, Aft: 1
The card spread slightly favors taking damage to the ship's fore, as the worst card by far to draw is the Antimatter Containment Disabled, a fore/aft card. The hardest to repair, however, is likely Weapons Relays Obstructed, requiring Science + Mechanics at a difficulty of 3.
Speaking of favoring damage to the fore instead of the aft, at most alerts, there are much more shields to the fore than to the aft, with only the Green and Yellow *s having balanced shields, and all others, including the Green and Yellow **s having more fore than aft.
Unless you are by an obscuring feature, your evasion stat is merely 1, or irrelevant.
The Battle Cruiser has 5 steps from full to disabled, but with only the first step being science 3, and the 2nd step science 2, so it will require some help healing crew when taking damage or forming teams unless you inspire with Ketracel White.
This ship will likely be the flagship of the Dominion task force, and thus will likely have quite a few officers on board, to help it make it's presence felt. Of note, you'll want someone who's able to warp or threaten without using too much energy for the Captain's chair, such as one of the Vortas, or a Changeling. Being able to add an Ordnance officer such as Talak'Talan to the Tactical station can also be helpful to make your Polaron Array attacks count. If you commit to staying in Yellow Alert, you might not even need an officer for Engineering.
Upgrade options for the Dominion are limited, but with only one torpedo tube the quantum torpedoes and probes are probably not worth considering on this ship.
Personal Transponders are an option, especially given the 5 Operations value of the ship when inspired (or 6 when inspired twice) if attempting to beam onto enemy ships.