


Welcome to the Resistance, the Drop universe’s post-apocalyptic humans. The faction itself encompasses a wide variety of actors in the Drop-verse. They might be a group of ragtag freedom fighters making due with whatever old junkers they can get their hands on. They could also represent the rogue colony of Kalium, using older designs, but manufactured recently. They might be the remnants of the Earth fleet sent to Vega to stop the Abandonists. Or they’re just batshit crazy marauders loosely obeying the will of a feral warlord. Either way, buckle up, because the Resistance is full of possibilities. Below is our faction introduction and guide for Dropfleet's Resistance, including our ship guides (coming soon), in the links below.

Light Ships Mediums Ships Heavy & Colossal Ships Admirals

When we talk about the Resistance, we’re not really talking about a single unified faction. The Resistance is just a term for all the various non-UCM, non-PHR fighting groups that are found all over the Drop-verse. The most common variety is the survivors on Earth and the Cradle Worlds. For the last 160+ years, they’ve been eeking out an existence in Scourge occupied territory. They’ve either gone underground, holed up in a remote area, or just stayed off the radar somehow. These groups have had to live with the intense terror of the omni-present Scourge for as long as they can remember. These factions vary wildly from location to location. Some Resistance groups don’t get along with each other at all. While there are plenty of good ol’ fashioned freedom fighters, there are just as many petty tyrants more concerned with their own little bit of power than fighting, much less defeating, the Scourge.

Another flavor of Resistance are isolated space vessels that survived the Scourge invasion, but didn’t make it to the colonies before the jump points were disabled. The most significant example of this time of Resistance cell is the Vega Scrap Fleet. During the Battle of Vega, the bulk of the fleet departed, leaving disabled ships behind to await repair crews. Those repair crews never arrived thanks to the chaos of the Scourge invasion two days later. Those left behind disabled the Vega jump node, isolating themselves in the same manner as the colonies. The crews managed to cobble together spare parts from the wreckage of the battle to keep their ships running. Imagine if Battlestar Galactica went on for 160 years. That’s the Vega Scrap Fleet. Their relations with the UCM have been frosty, if amicable enough to avoid any conflict. During the Battle for Earth, the Scrap Fleet decided to reinforce the UCM-PHR-Kalium Triumverate at a critical moment, turning the space battle in favor of the human coalition. Their ships, despite being so old, held together remarkably well, a testament to expert crews born and raised in the void.

Finally, there’s the rogue colony of Kalium. Shortly after the flight of humanity to the colonies, the colony of Kalium refused to join the fledgling United Colonies of Mankind, instead deciding to close itself off from the rest of the galaxy. They disabled their jump nodes and cut off all communication. Since then, there have been several civil wars, eventually developing into a militaristic authoritarian society. Their entire society is mobilized for war, with universal conscription and a sprawling military industrial complex. Rather than innovate new designs however, Kalium relies on old Earth Alliance Army designs. That  big ships with big guns. They’ve just been manufactured recently rather than preserved through generations. The look and feel of this subset of Resistance is very intentionally that of Space Soviets.

On the tabletop, Resistance is the most wonderful hot mess you can imagine. It’s a faction held together by duct tape, rusted weapons, and probably more than a little bit of insanity. Seriously, if you glance over at Dropzone, TTCombat's ground game in the same universe, the Resistance is  fighting alien hovercraft from pick up trucks. You gotta be nuts to do that. The defining feature of the Resistance is just the sheer chaos and customizability of their fleets. No two Resistance cells are alike, and neither should your collections. You will have heavily armed, top-of-the-line old Earth cruisers right next to settler ships. That dichotomy is at the heart of what makes the Resistance so stupidly fun to see on the tabletop. They make no sense, but you’ll love every second of it. While the faction intended to mainly represent Kalium and the Vega Scrap Fleet, there are plenty of opportunities for you to make up your own background.

Resistance weapons, like the faction itself, are all over the place. There are weapons with scald, unstable, overcharge, mauler, fusillade, and more. They have the overall best fighters in the game, represented highly experienced pilots. Their bombers aren't great, but they also make wide use of fire ships. These are very slow assets, but a pack on hell of a punch if they hit home. Where the Resistance is weak is scan range and speed. Actually, I shouldn’t sugarcoat it: they straight up have the lowest thrust and scan values in the game. However, being a build-a-bear faction, Resistance cruisers can boost scan range and thrust value with hardpoint slots, so you can compensate for the wider weaknesses of your fleet with a few customized cruiser groups.

These are the seven ships you get in the starter

And so are these. That's how customizable this faction is.

We hope you enjoyed our introduction to the Resistance and will join the fight against the Cylons Scourge soon. If you have questions, feel free to jump into the Blissfully Ignorant Gaming Discord at We’ll do our best to answer your questions there. Thanks for stopping by!