Post-Human Republic

Are you better than other people and know it? Do you like cybernetics? Do you want to hear about our lord and savior, the White Sphere? Then look no further! Below is our faction introduction and guide for Dropfleet's Post-Human Republic, including our ship guides (coming soon), in the links below.

Light Ships Mediums Ships Heavy & Colossal Ships Admirals

Welcome to the Post-Human Republic, the GloboGym of the Drop-Universe. We’ve mentioned the White Sphere before in passing, but it is uniquely significant to the PHR. To recap, the White Sphere arrived on Earth a year before the Scourge invasion, transmitting a warning of an unspecified approaching apocalypse. It provided coordinates for a rally point, from which those that followed the warning would jump away to an undisclosed location. While only heeded by a minority of humanity, it was still enough to assemble a fleet thousands strong. It was enough to warrant a response from the Earth Alliance, who was worried about a general panic. The Earth fleet confronted the “Abandonist” fleet at Vega, who opened fire on the Earth fleet to escape. This crippled the Earth fleet, which was then promptly routed by the Scourge two days later. The surviving humans of the UCM remember the Battle of Vega as a betrayal that doomed humanity to defeat at the hands of the Scourge. 

To the “Abandonists,” Vega was just the start of something far greater. They followed the White Sphere and became something more. The humans of the PHR are enhanced with an advanced bio-artificial melding of tissue and nanotechnology. Their appearances are unnervingly perfect: perfect complexion, perfect movements, perfect speech, and so on, all punctuated by the occasional flash of silver below the skin. All of it is as unnatural as it is disquieting. The first encounter between the newly enhanced humans of the PHR and the UCM was on the eve of the Reconquest. The interaction was brief and not particularly cordial. The PHR attempted to warn the UCM against the Reconquest, while the UCM government dismissed the “Abandonists” out of hand. The PHR didn’t exactly do themselves any favors, either. They made no real attempt to apologize for Vega, and made no qualms that they had evolved beyond “merely human.”

Pew! Pew! Pew! Pew!

In the ensuing campaign, the PHR intervened seemingly at random. They appeared in sectors to seize unknown items, sponsored Resistance factions that worked against the UCM, and boxed the UCM out of entire systems, but also fought the Scourge and Shaltari at every turn as well. Leading into the Battle for Earth, the UCM, the PHR, and the rogue colony of Kalium formed an uneasy alliance called “The Triumvirate.” The exact motives of the PHR, formerly a mystery, are now abundantly clear. Throughout the Reconquest, they have been trying to silence Bioficer listening posts. Their efforts have prolonged the Bioficer arrival, but we're unable to avoid it entirely. They have now largely retreated back to extragalactic “home soil” to rearm and regroup, only to be followed by a Scourge invasion fleet at Caeruleum Prime.

PHR have a clean, futuristic look that is part Mech Warrior, part Anime, part Space Marine, and 100% awesome. We here at Blissfully Ignorant Gaming think PHR has some of the Drop-verse’s most striking models. Their fleet has a very sleek design throughout the range, with smooth armor punctuated by ordered arrays of batteries and weaponry. They are distinctly tough amongst the Drop-verse, but as such tend to be more expensive per model. PHR are the prototypical "elite" style army of the Drop-verse, which is where the Space Marine feel comes in. Almost all of their ships have an extra hull point compared to other factions. For example, most PHR frigates have 5 hull points and their cruisers usually have 11 hull points. They have the best energy save in the game, and lots of tools to make doing damage to their ships more difficult. In essence, you better bring a lot of shots or weapons with significant punch. Otherwise you’re not so much as scratching PHR. The counter balance is that PHR tends to have some of the lower thrust values in the game. With a few exceptions, they aren’t going anywhere quickly.

Better living through broadsides

PHR ships have some unique weaponry and capabilities as well. More than any other faction, PHR have a strong tendency toward broadside batteries with large, but low lock value, dice pools. They make extensive use of calibre weapons, which encourage the targeting of specific sizes of ships with that battery. PHR launch is essentially the polar opposite of UCM. PHR generally has a harder time stacking bomber launch capabilities because of the cost of their carriers, but those assets are some of the best in the game. PHR bombers are right up there vying for the most dangerous in the game. Their fighters, while slow, provide excellent reinforcement to their kinetic saves. Finally, a rather unique aspect of PHR is how well their ships can serve dual roles. With most factions, a carrier, a dropship, or a troopship does not have significant weapons. That’s not so with PHR. I am especially jealous of their troopships, which are just as well armed as other cruisers.

I hoped this helped you get acquainted with the universe’s very best cyborgs. If you have questions, feel free to jump into the Blissfully Ignorant Gaming Discord at We’ll do our best to answer your questions there. Thanks for stopping by!