The Danube-Class Runabout is an upgraded shuttlecraft over the standard Type 6 that you see launched from Federation ships.  This shuttlecraft comes with upgraded shields, hull, comms, sensors, and warp drive.

Optionally, you can take it if auxiliary units are allowed during setup, if an overture allows, for the cost of 2 points.


You are limited to 3 shuttles in a sector at once (labeled A, B, and C).

While upgraded, the runabout is still poorly armored, does not have a lot of hull, and is poorly armed.  Cannot stand up to concentrated fire from a determined foe.

Slower warp factor than starships means while they can leave the system, it can take multiple turns to reenter local space.


Shuttles add to your pool of units for standby actions, and do not use energy like your starships, allowing you to use them to stall your standby actions.

Greater sensor range means that it has a lot more leeway in positioning near objectives.  Can "relay" transport teams and officers from starships that are out of sensor range of their target.

Better shields and hull means that it can take a hit or two before the crew onboard are lost.


Impulse: The shuttle has an impulse value of 6, and a turning value of 90*, making it very maneuverable.

Warp: The shuttle has only a warp factor of 5, which means it will likely take multiple turns to travel between systems.


This station is a combination of the Instruments and Tactical station for purposes of tests.

Fire Weapons: Phasers (1), 1 at 360*, 1-2 Weapons Energy, 4", 1 blue die per weapon energy spent.  (The Runabout has 2 weapon energy value.)

Sensors and Comms are 360*, 2" + Sensor Value (sensor value is 2, so 4 unless there is something modifying the value).


Transport: Transport personnel within Sensors range.


The Runabout only has 4 hull before it is disabled, and 5 to be destroyed, with damage steps at the first hit, the 3rd hit, and the 4th hit.  It has 2 shields to the fore and aft that can each absorb 1 damage per turn.

The Runabout's main defense is its evasion, requiring 3 hits on an attack roll to even hit it.


The crew on the Runabout is static, but not particularly impressive for performing rolls for objectives, having only 2 Command, 2 Operations, and 2 Science, thought that is enough to be able to have a chance when combined with a skilled officer.